There are over nine thousand known methods of communication: most of them follow a typical, simplistic scheme where: a connection is first established, and further conversation occurs through this connection. In such scenarios, the connection can be often thought of as a pipeline, and the conversations being the information and/or data that traverses through it.
The purpose of Connections module is to standardize the above communication scheme: harmonize the look & feel of each connection implementation using templates & base classes, and normalize the model that defines, binds & manages these various connections to Device Objects.
Following object-oriented programming methodology, each independent connection,
regardless of its protocol (telnet
) or technology
), shall be modelled as a class object, where the
communication to and from this pipe is achieved through interaction with its
class methods.
Subsequently, all connections (eg: class object instances) to the same target
device shall be managed through a dedicated, high-level manager that provides
resource allocation, control & conflict management, and finally, seamless
integration to topology.Device
object instances.

In effect, the connections module is a middleware, providing the basis to how each connection type should be implemented, and interfacing between devices these connection implementations. It features three primary classes:
- ConnectionManager
the behind-the-scene director that binds connections to
objects. Eachtopology.Device
instance is assigned its ownConnectionManager
, which controls all connections to the testbed device this object represents.- BaseConnection
template class, providing the basis for various user imitations & implementations of an actual device connection (eg, telnet to console cli).
- ConnectionPool
connection-like implementation that allows users to create a “pool” of similar-type connections and share them in a multi-processing environment.
These classes are not intended to be invoked from the user script directly - they work behind the scenes, governing script interactions and library implementations.
Connections module connections
is installed by default as part of pyATS
installation. It is also a pre-requisite to installing topology
module. This
package is featured on the PyPI server.
module is part of the pyats
namespace, and therefore,
users should always refer to the full namespace when installing & using it.
pip install pyats.connections
To upgrade an existing installation of Connections package in your environment, do:
pip install pyats.connections --upgrade
always read the Changelog first before you upgrade.